“As human beings, we have a strong, natural and unconscious love of color.
It is my hope that the knowledge acquired herein will bring new joy to your life as this unconscious love evolves into a more conscious one.” (Kathryn Kalisz, 1996)

When I had my personal color analysis done a couple of years ago, I was amazed and intrigued. Discovering and truly understanding my colors had such a strong impact on me. I felt so informed and enlightened by the process, and the results. It wasn’t long before I worked my way back to the analyst (Rebecca Reid, in Dallas) to learn more. Then it hit me.
Since I was a little girl, I have always kept prisms in my windows. I have spent countless hours marveling at how sunlight bursts into a rainbow of colors. Pure magic! I have always been fascinated with light and colors. Something clicked deep down. I knew this was my calling. A short time later, I earned my True Colour International (TCI) certification and opened Color Star Studio to champion the imagination and creativity of Kathryn Kalisz.
Her book “Understanding Your Color: A Guide to Personal Color Analysis” (1996) is a masterful, science-based treatise on color and its importance to humans. Kathryn’s pioneering work elevated the science of human coloration. It soon eclipsed earlier experts like Carole Jackson and her hugely successful book, “Color Me Beautiful” (1982), which focused on the “four seasons” as personal color palette options.

Kathryn loved color and was gifted with perfect color vision! She was a life-long artist and worked as a Master Munsell colorist for many years. Her work is the foundation of the advanced 12 Tone Method of personal color analysis used today. By incorporating Munsell Color Theory and it’s three dimensions of color (hue, value, chroma), and by recognizing the “neutral spaces” that naturally occur between warm and cool colors, she revolutionized the field of personal color analysis.
In 2010, Kathryn’s life came to tragic, unexpected end. Fortunately, Amelia Butler was able to pick up the pieces and carry the knowledge forward, and True Colour International (TCI) was born. Kathryn had mentored Amelia and deemed her one of only five people able to train others using what she called the Sci-Art Method.

Over the years, Amelia has perfected the method and tools, and has trained new analysts in Australia, Europe, and the United States. Her continued dedication and determination has established TCI as the world’s premier personal color analysis system.
It is my honor to celebrate what Kathryn and Amelia have built, to carry the torch of color enlightenment to my clients, and to generate as much “new joy” as I can.
With these goals in mind, my blog will explore the boundless subject of color. I hope you find the posts valuable and interesting. May the study of color brighten your life as much as it has mine!
Colorfully yours,
Kelly Graham