True Colour International (TCI) has 12 possible tones, including neutrals. Other systems only have four (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and don’t account for those individuals who fall between the traditional seasons.
Find Your Colors And Shine!
Discover your best colors for clothing, makeup, hair, home, and life!
Color is the first thing we notice in a design and, in this case, that DESIGN IS YOU!
Color Star Studio offers the world’s most accurate personal color analysis system from True Colour International. The TCI system includes 12 possible tonal placements and encompasses all forms of beauty and handsomeness. There’s a perfect color palette for everyone, let’s find yours! In-studio sessions are available by appointment only in San Antonio, Texas.
Color Has a Profound Effect On Us
Color is part of nature, just like me and you. Our natural hair, skin, and eye colors are unique yet always created with perfect color harmony.
When we surround ourselves with colors that harmonize with our natural coloring, we glow and need less, if any, makeup.
Skin looks clearer, healthier, and more radiant. Hair shines, eyes sparkle, smiles are brighter. Focus is drawn to the center of the face. Focus is drawn to the authentic you!
Color Is The Foundation
Unharmonious color combinations are unpleasant and create a sense of unease. The wrong color can drain energy and color from your face. Skin appears gray, dull, and lifeless.
Colors in opposition to your skin tone will draw attention to surface flaws and strengthen them. If a color is too strong, it can take center stage and steal attention away from you.

The TCI personal colour communication method is based on the science of natural colour harmony, accurate interpretation of the Munsell colour system, full spectrum light theory, human physiology and psychology.

Each TCI tone encompasses a specific “color space” and there are no cross-over colors. This is possible because the TCI 12 tone method uses three dimensions of color (hue, value, chroma), which produces the world’s most accurate and repeatable results.

Seeing is believing! You will experience the effects different colors have on your complexion. You will see it with your own eyes in the mirror.

A Little About Me
I’m Kelly Graham, owner of Color Star Studio, a personal color analysis service located in San Antonio, Texas. After years of wearing way too much black, I had my colors done and it rocked my world! It was an incredibly powerful, eye-opening experience.
My personal color analysis gave me the ability to understand color better, and more importantly, how to make color work for me. Today, I truly appreciate my natural coloring and enjoy finding ways to highlight what Mother Nature gave me.

When it comes to my clothing, accessories, hair color, and makeup, I choose colors that harmonize with and support me, which means less money wasted on items I don’t use. I spend less time worrying about what to wear or if my pieces will go together, I have guidelines to help me shop with confidence and ease, I look better in my clothes, and no longer rely on basic black. If only I had learned all of this in my twenties!
Color Star Studio was born to help you start your personal color journey, and to provide the tools and knowledge you need to be successful along the way. My color journey has been fun, creative, and empowering. Now I get to share the experience with YOU!
Notes from Happy Color Stars
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