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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a color analysis cost?

I provide personal color analysis for individuals (1 person) or doubles (2 people). My approach is highly personalized and does not translate well into group settings.

  • Individual: $295/person
    • 2.5 hour appointment
  • Double: $265/person
    • 4 hour appointment
  • Gift Certificates are also available!

You also receive a True Colour International palette fan and carrying case ($90 value), practice color matching with 5 of your personal items, hair color and makeup advice, digital tools, guides, and so much more!

Please visit my Pricing Page for more details:

How do I prepare for my appointment?

Upon scheduling, you will receive instructions on how to best prepare for your color analysis. The most important thing is to arrive without any makeup; only the naturally beautiful you! Faux tanning products and severely sunburned skin will also skew the results. It’s best to have your skin in its most natural state.

If you wear glasses, these will be removed during the analysis. You can pop your glasses on and off in between tests. Clear contact lens are fine and encouraged if you have them. Please avoid perfume or cologne, as it clings to the fabric drapes and is difficult to remove.

I recommend wearing a lightweight top or tank top, or come with layers. Please avoid turtlenecks and styles with high necklines. During the analysis phase, I will cover you with a salon cape, just like during a haircut. Then I will drapes pieces of fabric over your shoulders and under your neck.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  1. Bring 5 personal items:
    • Your color analysis experience includes the opportunity to practice color matching using 5 of your personal items.
    • After we determine your color palette, we review your items to see how closely they match your best colors. This is an excellent way to explore your palette fan and learn how to use it.
    • You can bring clothing, accessories, or makeup. Eye shadow, blush, lip, and nail colors are best. I have hooks in the studio if you want to bring items on hangers.
  2. Bring an open mind!
    • The goal of a color analysis is not to choose the colors we like. The goal is to find the colors that harmonize with your natural, innate colors. These are the colors you were born with and they are always perfect.
    • Be ready to explore new things and have some fun with color!

I’m naturally tan right now – should I wait to get my analysis?

Your natural coloring is just that – natural! So we can do an analysis regardless of how tan you are as long as it’s natural. Though it may feel like we look better in completely different colors when our skin is lighter or darker, this actually isn’t the case. The analysis will reveal colors that will look harmonious and complimentary on you all year long!

My hair is colored and/or graying, is that okay?

Absolutely! If your hair is colored (even in a color matching/close to your natural hair color) we will cover it during the analysis process to ensure an accurate result. At the end, we can also discuss hair colors that fall into your seasonal tone.

If your hair has naturally grayed/whitened, this coloring is actually in line with your natural color harmony. We can leave your hair uncovered and see the harmony that is achieved with your beautiful locks!

What does it mean to be TCI Certified?

The TCI personal color communication method is based on the science of natural color harmony, accurate interpretation of the Munsell color system, full-spectrum light theory, human physiology, and psychology. 

To become a TCI Certified Personal Color Analyst, I completed 4 months of rigorous training including an in-person workshop, a thorough hands-on training period, and a competency review under the guidance of Amelia Butler, color expert and owner of TCI. To maintain my certification, my skills are reviewed annually. In addition, my studio is equipped with TCI certified drapes and strictly follows the TCI 12-Tone Method standards including full-spectrum lighting and neutral gray surroundings.

Can I get my analysis done virtually?

No! To achieve accurate results, in-person color analysis is required! It is not possible to see color with accuracy online. Digital images are unreliable; computer monitor calibration varies widely and does not present color accurately. Don’t just take my word for it. Compare the same photo on two different phones or monitors.

TCI analysts go to extreme lengths to create a controlled environment that allows us to see your coloring accurately. This is near impossible to do online or through pictures. We don’t analyze photos of you, we analyze YOU!

It is possible to calibrate digital color workflows using high-end devices called spectrophotometers and color profiling software. To learn more about this science and technology visit X-Rite. To achieve this, every single device in the workflow must be calibrated on a regular basis, including the camera, ambient lighting, monitors, scanners, digital editing software, printers, paper, inks, etc.

Please think twice before paying for an online color analysis. What exactly will they be analyzing? If the answer is photos, ask them to explain how they are calibrating their workflow.

Can I take photos or videos of my analysis?

The products and methodology I use are the intellectual property of True Colour International (TCI); therefore, they are protected from unauthorized public access and/or use. 

We can take a portrait photo with your most memorable color drape at the end (if desired).



4 Seasons or 12 Tones: What’s the difference?

There’s a big difference! The short answer is that the 12-Tone approach is a much more detailed, scientific, and accurate approach. We take into consideration neutrality in each of the 3 dimensions of color, whereas the 4-Season approach does not.

In undertone, for example, the 4-Season approach only recognizes all warm/yellow or all cool/blue, while we now know that 66% of the population is actually neither! The 12-Tone approach expanded upon the traditional color analysis method, and recognizes that there are two additional undertone possibilities: Warm-Neutral (mostly yellow with some blue), and Cool-Neutral (mostly blue with some yellow). This is just one example of the additional depth and accuracy of the 12-Tone method.

I’ve had an analysis before – will my results be different?

If you were analyzed using a different method, it is very likely you will have a different result!

If you were typed in the 4 Season Method (which only has options for warm or cool undertones), you will likely get a different, more specific result with the 12-Tone Method. This method has options for neutral (warm-neutral or cool-neutral) undertones, of which 2/3 of the population have (that’s 66% of people!). This method is more detailed, scientific, and reliable than the 4 Season approach. It’s a great way to get the most accurate and specific result.

Similarly, if you were analyzed virtually or digitally, it is very likely you will have a different result. Digital images are unreliable; computer monitor calibration varies widely and does not present color accurately; colors from the environment around us (wall paint, furnishings, etc.) also affect and skew our coloring, leading to inaccurate results.

Collage of TCI palette fans
Bright winter TCI palette fan

Ready to get started?

Please fill out the form below. Tell me a little about yourself and what interests you about color. We will get back to you promptly.

Color Star Studio will never ever share or sell your information to others.