No! To achieve accurate results, in-person color analysis is required! It is not possible to see color with accuracy online. Digital images are unreliable; computer monitor calibration varies widely and does not present color accurately. Don’t just take my word for it. Compare the same photo on two different phones or monitors.
TCI analysts go to extreme lengths to create a controlled environment that allows us to see your coloring accurately. This is near impossible to do online or through pictures. We don’t analyze photos of you, we analyze YOU!
It is possible to calibrate digital color workflows using high-end devices called spectrophotometers and color profiling software. To learn more about this science and technology visit X-Rite. To achieve this, every single device in the workflow must be calibrated on a regular basis, including the camera, ambient lighting, monitors, scanners, digital editing software, printers, paper, inks, etc.
Please think twice before paying for an online color analysis. What exactly will they be analyzing? If the answer is photos, ask them to explain how they are calibrating their workflow.